In my last post I re-printed some rather amusing comments i got from users of the Rail UK forum. Most of them were disparaging about me and this blog but in the spirit of freedom of speech and fair play I printed them. For some reason that seemed to make them more angry and we had a lively debated during which I teased them with irony but they didnt get it. Here is a selection of the rest of the comments I got. I had over 600 views of my thread on that sight and over 50 replies before the "LOCKED" the thread e.g. censored it. I think its a commnet on the people on the rail scene their politics and small mindedness. Did we expect anything different?
quote "Classic.... lack of grammer, atrocious spelling, not even proud enough to UK the uk..... oh and he called us all train spotters!"
quote "At the risk of argueing with an idiot (something where both parties always lose):
It is racist. You've decided they were forign based purely on how they dress. Also, many many "moderate" Muslims dress like that, and abhor the ideas of jihadis. So yeah, just plain racist.
As to the woman who was banned from wearing a corss- she was banned from wearing jewllery. There's actually good safety grounds to ban frontline staff from wearing necklaces. Further more, whilst the arabic dress is to a certain extent mandated by their holy book, there's nothing in the bible with regards wearing crosses"
quote "All I can see from your blog is you try talk to people on the tube and they don't talk back. What do you expect? The majority of British people WON'T want a conversation with some (potentially harmful) stranger on public transport. They'd rather read a book, listen to music, sit and think or have a conversation with somebody they know. Small-talk is boring and a waste of time, so why bother?"
i then replied;
i am glad to see you have been paying attention and reading the blog.
dont you think i am being just a little bit tongue in cheek sometimes. In anycase i am smartly dressed devastatingly good looking , charming and absolutely not dangerous. You can always spot me at earls court going out of my way to help passengers with luggage if they are struggling while the staff skulk
then i got this back -- hahahaha quote "The fact you have to post this on a public forums shows that you're either desperate for attention and recognition of doing something (like someone who gives to charity and has to shout about it so everyone knows what they've done), or you're lying and just want people to think you do good.
Also, calling yourself "devestatingly (sic) good looking", especially on a public forum, implies that you're almost certainly uncomfortable about the way you look."
Such fun while it lasted. It seems those that work above ground are more bitter and twisted than those that work underground. Anyway its nice to make so many new friends and I didnt bother to quote them by their geeky nicknames but the know who they are.