Friday, November 13, 2009

I have returned for 2 special fans

I hope this ressurection is able to pick on the the growing readership I had when I last wrote. I recieved some contact and then looked again at the blog as I had'nt visited for 6 months. I found some funny and encouraging comments and of course best of all, the the rude ones from the Anti's and LU staff. My daughters 21 and 16 then latched on and read it. And they were pissing themselves laughing, partly from the stories but mainly because they know me and how I view life and the tube as a microcosm of England, the world and human behaviour.

So whats new on the Tube? Well its better I think but then thank god I use Earls Court so a lot of choices. However I do think its surreal that in one direction the Olympia train is coming and going and when there is no expo on it has about 5 people on it for 1 stop. Then the other way they have tons of trains from Earls Court to High St Ken. 1Stop!

The other bizzare occurence is when a train is running late to say upminster they withdraw it from service at Mansion House. I have a theory that happens so that I cant arrive at its final destination late and therefore does not affect the punctuality statistics. Sod the poor bastards who are turfed off and then even later to where they are going.

As usual the worst of the bunch are us, the passengers. Inconsidrate, shifty, suspicious and exisiting with the proximty purgatory they find themselves in when confronted each other.

Still just like Christmas and death 2 things are certain within the next few weeks. Tube strikes and the the ultimate punctuality success in the LU annual calender, the price hikes. That will be on time all right and not taken out of service running late.

I would like to encourage more participation and ideas from readers so any stories, tubey type stereotype contribution (especially if they are drawn or photographed) are welcome and i will post them here.


At 7:32 AM, Blogger Zheng said...

il la rponse est oui. La maison de couture fran?aise a confirm le modle Brit parce que le visage de cette collection de sacs Chanel Boy. [Karl Lagerfeld] a le bguin au cours de cette unique, gal charismatique, qui est la fois un modle et un musicien, dans une sance photo tout l'heure, dit Chanel WWD Sac Hermès Homme. Cette alliance prcdemment imprvu est finalement devenu vident. Alice Dellal reprsente une incarnation idale de l', qui est unique autour de la collection de sacs Chanel Boy, qui s'efforce [d'tre] notions certainement pas conformistes de la fminit Hermès Sac.
Yep, Dellal n'est pas vraiment conventionnelle. Ainsi que sa marque de fabrique de punk-rock uniforme, la petite de 24 ans est un batteur dans le mtal Grive bande et se rvlera tre trouv chahuter dans les rues base Londres avec Pixie Geldof. Shes loin de la blonde bombe Blake Lively, whos le visage en vigueur de Chanel Mademoiselle gamme, mais Lagerfeld est reconnu pour son go?t clectique, pralablement coule Lily Allen pour votre gamme de sac Cocoon en '09. En outre, l'androgynie Alice travaillera avec brio avec le 'Boy' collection. Comment rafra?chissante.


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