Thursday, November 26, 2009

Banned and abused - excellent!

So in my attempt to learn more and bring cutting edge stories from the world of LU I joined a couple of forums.

District Dave's London Underground Site

I posted this blog name etc and gave a description of it. I had a lot of views then District Dave Banned me. Best not to let your members have any freedom of thought then?

UK Rail Forums

Did the same and have not been banned but had the following comments

Racist - Because I mentioned that I found it strange that Muslim fundamentalists (longs beards and short trousers) were manning security at Heathrow. Does this srtike anyone else as like a fox in the chicken coop?

quote "Some good posts, but equally some rubbish ones. I'm a bit perplexed.. It says at one point you're 7 1/2, then further down the page you have a wife?" --- hahaha


"Not funny, not infuriating, just sad!
For what it's worth, I read the first couple of posts and found them childish. Jokes about members/knobs generally indicate the mentality of a 9 year old. I also found them rather strangely obsessed with hair (or the lack of it), and thought they displayed an arrogance and sense of superioirty that I found a bit distasteful.
A bit of a waste of 3 minutes really, I'm afraid I won't be visiting the blog again!"

Finally, I found a post from a train spotter with links to webcams for spotting trains. Of the 6 uk ones not a train in sight. On the dutch one and the german one trains aplenty. enuf said.

Help! I think i am turning into a geek (as well as a childish dickhead)


At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:33 PM, Blogger Cynthia J. Coleman said...

Interesting blog. I live in a part of the States where the closest subway is in Atlanta. There's talk of maglev trains between here and Atlanta. We have buses in the city here in Chattanooga, but not a regular service in the county; which is where I live.

At 7:31 AM, Blogger Zheng said...

il la rponse est oui. La maison de couture fran?aise a confirm le modle Brit parce que le visage de cette collection de sacs Chanel Boy Sac Hermès Homme. [Karl Lagerfeld] a le bguin au cours de cette unique, gal charismatique, qui est la fois un modle et un musicien, dans une sance photo tout l'heure, dit Chanel WWD. Cette alliance prcdemment imprvu est finalement devenu vident. Alice Dellal reprsente une incarnation idale de l', qui est unique autour de la collection de sacs Chanel Boy, qui s'efforce [d'tre] notions certainement pas conformistes de la fminit.
Yep, Dellal n'est pas vraiment conventionnelle. Ainsi que sa marque de fabrique de punk-rock uniforme, la petite de 24 ans est un batteur dans le mtal Grive bande et se rvlera tre trouv chahuter dans les rues base Londres avec Pixie Geldof. Shes loin de la blonde bombe Blake Lively, whos le visage en vigueur de Chanel Mademoiselle gamme, mais Lagerfeld est reconnu pour son go?t clectique, pralablement coule Lily Allen pour votre gamme de sac Cocoon en '09. En outre, l'androgynie Alice travaillera avec brio avec le 'Boy' collection. Comment rafra sac Hermès réplique?chissante.


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