Thursday, July 20, 2006


Here is the latest comment feedback from one of my many fans.

Read these 3 quotes in order. The first is one from your last post (Earl's Court - What a shambles!!!!!!!!!!), the second a comment posted by 'anonymous' and the third from this post that I am now commenting on.

"The price of a tube ride will be so expensive by then that I will be on my bike anyway."

"why don't you just get on your bike then? instead of always threatening to, just do it and stop complaining!"

"I recieved a comment on my last posting to the effect that if I didnt like it then I should cycle. I wonder if all businesses should respond in this way to their CUSTOMERS. It would certainly solve the problem of having any."

From the final quote there we can clearly see that you have a terrible memory, don't think through what you're putting and are probably complaining about nothing. Having read your blog for a while I can see that you clearly know very little about the operational side of any railway. I suspect you take little notice to what is actually going on on the Underground but sit on your billy-no-mates at the end of a carriage away from any form of life creating the latest complaint for your blog -- which is, by the way, a complete farce. I do suggest that you get a life, stop turning minor delays into severe delays and 'making mountains out of molehills', as they say.

Oh, and how on earth you could mistake the 'D' stock refurbs for new trains when you have travelled on the before and after is beyond me.

OK, Thanks for that kicking I suppose I deserve it but.............

I dont need to know anything about operational procedure to know the service is SHIT.

I dont need to know about D stock or otherwiser to know the trains are SHIT.

And I am still A CUSTOMER You just dont get it do you. Let me explain.


I want a better service and I want it NOW.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Shambolic and they dont give a toss!!!!

Here we are yet again! Hot weather and ridiculously hot trains.

This is not new and I dont want to labour the point but it is worth noting that the tube has been unacceptably hot in the summer for many years. Now we are told not to worry as there will be air conditioned trains on some lines by 2009. Well thats just great and just in time to ensure we look good for the Olympics. However that wont cover up the fact that the network is badly run and the majority of staff badly trained in communication skills and not motivated to provide a service to the public.

I recieved a comment on my last posting to the effect that if I didnt like it then I should cycle. I wonder if all businesses should respond in this way to their CUSTOMERS. It would certainly solve the problem of having any.

On Monday evening it took me over an hour to get from Liverpool St to Earls court. Most lines had problems (signals, security etc) and the trains were travelling at a snails pace. Also the ones I was on seemed to sit at stations for a long time. Oh well at least the trains were nice and warm!!! Those poor cattle that have to travel in temperatures no higher than 27 c dont know what they are missing.

On another subject.

Child Tickets

These it seems cannot be purchased from machines at most stations now. WHY? I need to get my daughter an oyster card but apparently one can only get them for under 16's at post offices. WHY? I was told for security reasons. What bollocks!!!! How many under 16 yr old terrorists have we had in this country. None would be my guess.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Earls Court - What a shambles!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the main entrance of Earls Court station on Tuesday. Now EC has to be one of the largest and busiest stations on the network. I wanted to renew my oyster and here is what i found.

1 of the 2 electronic touch screens broken down and 20 people in the queue.
ONE yes ONE!!!! Ticket window open with a queue of over 25 people. I refused to wait so just went through and renewed at the other end. What really puzzles me are the public. They stand around in a boiling hot unairconditioned station with their stupid blank faces in a queue that long without complaining. No wonder LU get away with providing such shit services for such an exhorbitant price. The passengers are bigger wankers than those running it.

Another marvellous statement by LU after red Ken said there could be serious loss of life on the tube because of the heat. We will have air conditioned trains by 2009. WHAT!!! why not next year???? The price of a tube ride will be so expensive by then that I will be on my bike anyway.


Finally I will like all other commuters be thinking of those that lost their lives last year. My sympathies go out to the victims and their families.