Monday, December 04, 2006

Comment Corner

I thought I would re-print a selection of some of the comments I get on this blog. See if you can spot a pattern.

From a tube customer.

Indeed what right has a long suffering customer to complain about a service that is:
4)Manned by rude and unhelpful staff
5)Utterly unreliable

Well said mate this riduculous state of affairs will continue until people rebel and make it clear they're justnot going to pay for this rubbish anymore.

From a member of LU staff

He didnt let you through? Good, you sound like a sad old git! Get a life! Some staff are crap, but most give a stuff, including me. To publish someone's name without their permission is sheer malice. Hope you get caught in the ticket barriers next time.

Read some of your other blogs, you just hate the tube dont you? Well dont use it then. Staff hate having to deal with people like you, our job would be a joy if we didnt have to deal with petty boring people like you.

From a customer

i don't think it's on to take pictures of people's feet on the tube.

nice site btw :-)

From an LU employee

You pay our wages? Well when is my next pay raise? Just read some of your rants.....sorry blogs, if the tube stresses you out, why do you use it?

From a customer

Great blog mate, I almost incandescent with rage every single time I use this hopless service. It's a national disgrace.

So thats a few comments from people that read the site. Interesting how LU staff all spout vitriol in response to my constructive and (hopefully) informative rants as one reader puts its. I have to say I find it incredible that LU staff dont seem to think in terms of CUSTOMERS. We are just a nuisance. One guy wants to know when his next raise is!!!!!!!. If I did my job like that I wouldnt have one. Still good old Bob Crow will make sure they get their raise and our fares will continue to rise. You couldnt make it up could you ?

It was quite funny this morning. The train was pulling into Westminster and this woman started shouting "is there a doctor on board" (i think there may have been a witch doctor or two). The doors open and she rushed out and down the platform to get help. She rushed back and they helped a young lady off the train that looked like she may have a tummy ache, probably period pains or a dodgy cornflake. Still lucky the good samaritan didnt panic then. Most people looked really pissed off with her and the poor girl for holding the train up. I know I was.


At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering the Mayor sets the price rise and not LUL or Bob Crow, that makes that a bit of a silly comment on your part.

See you even complain about your fellow passengers holding up the service, and sorry are you a qualified doctor to make that assumption about a fellow passenger, at least one passenger was decent enough to care about another passenger. Unlike you

Fair enough some of the lines have been dire over the last couple of weeks, but it's all down to the outsourced companies under PPP. i.e. metronet. So once again your comment is wrong.

And don't forget the government put hardly any funds towards the tube all the time the blues were in, oh why to privatise it.

I suppose some staff are crap at there job, but putting up with the amount of abuse they do, and I'm talking every day not every now and then, do you wonder why they get pissed off at customers.

And some of the staff have said, if you don't like the service, don't use it or start walking even better buy a bike.

If you use a bank that your not happy with you would change banks.

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I was the member of staff who posted comments yesterday.

We are not all strike lovers and Bob Crow lovers, apparently he is a nasty bit of work in private.

By investing your rage in trying to improve the tube, instead of knocking it, might be a better idea.

I strongly advise [I doubt you will] you spend a few hours on a ticket barrier or a platform, you will see the crap we have to put up with. Granted, like I have said, there are some crap staff out there, who are a disgrace to the company. However there are many staff who do care.

Shiftwork is a major gripe for LU staff, our rosters are not unique, but not usual either. 7 night shifts, 6 late shifts [coupled together mean 2 weeks with no social life] Then a week of earlies [you can socialise but you cant have more than 2 drinks-we are bound by a strict drugs and alcohol policy].

We do get good money, and we deserve it. Hate the political system that has allowed the tube to get in such a state, and not the staff, we are merely pawns dear boy.

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgot to add, your comments are not constructive, that would mean they would be part of the solution, your comments are part of the problem. You rant about the tube, and its clearly a big part of your life, but your facts/knowledge about it are very poor indeed. If you were nicer to the staff, they would explain EXACTLY what the situation is.

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You redefine what it is to be a brainless twat. You have set the bar higher for stupid pricks everywhere.

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!!! I am fed up with the appalling service we get and wish people would start getting angry instead of sitting there like sheep and putting up with it!!!! If there is anything I can do to help you coordinate some direct action - e.g. putting out leaflets, encouraging passengers not to get off a train if instructed to do so etc. etc. please email I live near to Stamford Brook station.

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Encouraging people to refuse to get off trains?????????

What a stupid fucking idea, it will give staff aggro, and it will delay people on trains caught behind.

You are fucking thick arent you!

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No - I'm just angry with the bad service!! It's probably something that would not have to be done that many times before Transport for London got the message...
And as for you - I suppose you are another of the friendly members of staff are you?

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, so let me get this straight.

You're trying to IMPROVE the service by encouraging people to:

- refuse to allow trains to leave stations
- refuse to leave trains (presumably those which are turned short of their destination)
- refusing to pay

So you're complaining about delays in one sentence and then creating them in the next? You complain when someone ends up under a train but you want people to force their way onto the platforms en masse and thus make this more likely?

I can really see that being popular especially with the people stuck on the trains behind. Even more so when they find out the only reason is because some sad little person has thrown their toys out of the pram again.

It's dealing with people like you who make the staff miserable in the first place.

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's people like you who sit there and do nothing like good little "sheeple" that allow them to get away with the appalling service they provide! How many times do we have to say so that you get it into your thick skull that the direct action outlined above would not have to be repeated that many times before the "powers that be" got the message and pulled their digits out!!!!

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You fucking dumb little cunt... grow up and find something interesting to do. I bet you are 13 fucking years old... get a fucking life and stop whinging like a little bitch.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Having looked at this site to see if anyone had made intelligent comments it appears that the level of discussion is rather low to say the least. As for the poster above - I think he or she is clearly feeling a little unwell.

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, I had an evil journey to work this morning and just want to bitch and moan and get it off my chest. Because the trains on the Northern Line were about 5 minutes apart for 4 in succession there was a huge jam on the platform at London Bridge with pushing and people getting angry and frustrated. All it took was one bitch pushing her way past other people to cram onto the train to get everyone in a state where a good orator could have raised an army to burn witches/storm the Bastille or even write an angry letter to The Times.

What saved it was the regular, patient announcements by the LU dude on the platform and the stern but steady instructions from the driver when I finally got on the train.

I don't hate the tube, and I don't have a problem with the staff. However, as proved today, it is within the control of staff themselves to keep commuters calm and onside or to send them postal.

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It annoys me to see London Underground staff saying that they have to put up with crap from the customers and saying if we don't like the service then we shouldn't use the tube.
Do they not realise that it is their JOB to put up with the crap. If they don't like it then may I suggest they go and find another job where they are not in the firing line of honest, hard working and PAYING commuters.

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) i don't doubt the staff have stressful jobs but the number of times i see pricks pushing through barriers right in front of the staff at liverpool street station without a response is a disgrace. it happens a lot. when i do need the staff, i.e. one of the many times my train is delayed and i want to know more info, i get fobbed off and asked to go speak to information desk. WHAT DO THESE GUYS ACTUALLY DO?

2)most people are pissed off mainly not because of the staff, but because we put up with delays, over crowding, over priced trains with strike actions. all the while the trai companies increase the train fares above inflation year after year. thats what pisses people off or have you missed the message alltogether? and no, a lot of pople do no have alternatives. look at the train map and people who rely on national rail cant just find an alternative rotue, which is why greedy pathetic souls at the unions get away with this bullshit.

please look at the facts, commuters are pissed off for years and years of being abused. i've lived in japan, usa and german, train services in this country is a laughing stock. (before you say it, no i cant go back to those countries, i would love to believe me but for many reasons i cant)

At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TFL is just like the other string of semi privatised wankie government QUANGOs that have become bloated by the fact that most of the people that actually do anthing are at best semi skilled. In order to promote said fuckwits beyond the level of barrier boy they have to create a whole beaurocracy above them to offer a 'career path' and justification for why they should be on more than minimum wage.

As with the overwhelming majority of government organisation this has none of the the incompetant dick head thinning that goes on in the private sector. Lobotomy test subjects such as Bon Crow have made it all but impossible to fire anyone. For anything. You went out on strike to try and reinstate someone who opened the doors on an underground train on the wrong side. People could have died. Seriously what does it take before some is escorted from the premises?

TFL joins a long list of public sector organisations which operate on the Pareto 80-20 rule only it's inverse in the fact that 20% of the people do 80% of the work.

For those in the TFL 20% who actually do something-well done, it's not your fault that your manager and the people above him can't find their cocks to piss with. Having said that in a few years time you'll probaby have replaced him and be part of the problem. Advance congratualtion for your promotion from worker to useless middleanagement twat.

For those vaugely interested I'm writing this because I have been generously granted 30 minutes of my life back by tfl while I wait for the 9.25 from peckham rye which is 25 minutes late-again. I have no doubt this post will solve fuck all but it makes me feel better. That and the fact that I've just fare dodged half the journey and taken a piss on the platform because the toilets were out of order. Do better and I will tfl.

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TFL is just like the other string of semi privatised wankie government QUANGOs that have become bloated by the fact that most of the people that actually do anthing are at best semi skilled. In order to promote said fuckwits beyond the level of barrier boy they have to create a whole beaurocracy above them to offer a 'career path' and justification for why they should be on more than minimum wage.

As with the overwhelming majority of government organisation this has none of the the incompetant dick head thinning that goes on in the private sector. Lobotomy test subjects such as Bon Crow have made it all but impossible to fire anyone. For anything. You went out on strike to try and reinstate someone who opened the doors on an underground train on the wrong side. People could have died. Seriously what does it take before some is escorted from the premises?

TFL joins a long list of public sector organisations which operate on the Pareto 80-20 rule only it's inverse in the fact that 20% of the people do 80% of the work.

For those in the TFL 20% who actually do something-well done, it's not your fault that your manager and the people above him can't find their cocks to piss with. Having said that in a few years time you'll probaby have replaced him and be part of the problem. Advance congratualtion for your promotion from worker to useless middleanagement twat.

For those vaugely interested I'm writing this because I have been generously granted 30 minutes of my life back by tfl while I wait for the 9.25 from peckham rye which is 25 minutes late-again. I have no doubt this post will solve fuck all but it makes me feel better. That and the fact that I've just fare dodged half the journey and taken a piss on the platform because the toilets were out of order. Do better and I will tfl.


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